LACTO-N-FUCOPENTAOSE I2022/04/02Oligosaccharide Series Product Product numberDR0114CAS NO7578-25-8Molecular formula C32H55NO25The molecular weight853.7708The purityHPLC≥95%Specification5mg/ piece Inquiry By Whatsapp Product parametersMessage consultation SUBMIT A MESSAGE TO INQUIRE ABOUT THIS PRODUCTAfter receiving your information, we will contact you as soon as possible, and your contact information will be ensured not to be disclosed***LocationEuropeNorth AmericaAfricaCentralSoutheast AsiaSouth AmericaNortheast AsiaSoutheast AsiaAustralia others*Usage scenariosHospitalschoolgovernmentmarketcommunityPurchase quantity1-5051-100101-200Submitting! Please wait…Submitted successfully! We will contact you as soon as possible!Failed to submit! Please try again later…邮箱错误!电话错误!